Kong sponsored Project for Paws this summer by delivering a box full of toys to Heartland Animal Shelter.
Halo Pet Food featured Project for Paws on FreeKibble.com and donated 10,000 meals to Heartland Animal Shelter.
I fostered a family of five kittens this year.
Rachael Ray Pet Food sponsored Project for Paws by donating over 10+ bags of pet food.
My family saved a kitten that was hit by a car. She is recovering beautifully.
Project for Paws is one view away from having 1,300 views.
I am selling my collars this year.
I am amazed.
Your support (views, shares, donations) has been the most inspiring part of Project for Paws. They have proved to me that people will support what you do and it has made me so awestruck.
I've been collar-making like crazy lately (a total of 12 collars!!) and they will all be available for sale starting November 28th (a week from yesterday). So, thank you so much.
Please make sure to consider donating or purchasing a collar next Friday until the end of December. Your support means so much to me and all of the animals that Project for Paws helps. If you have a blog, please share a #Inspired picture and help make the world a better place.
Please remember to spay and neuter,
Lili <3